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'Mexican Walking Fish' is just another name for the better known term Axolotl. The MWF are only native to Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in central Mexico, these are both filled with boats and pollution making it hard for them to even survive! As you probably know, they can be kept as pets. They are easy to breed but we need wild Axolotls or they'd become extinct in the wild.

There are four main colour schemes of MWF: The two naturally occurring colors are "wildtype" (varying shades of brown usually with spots) and melanoid (black). The two mutant colors are leucistic (pale pink with black eyes) and albino (golden, tan or pale pink with pink eyes).

Axolotls are extremely interesting physically. They are often used as model organisms because they have extremely large and easy to manipulate embryos (that have no heart function until birth!) that can be viewed with ease to show the development of vertebrates clearly. But the most obvious feature is that they can re-grow whole limbs in a matter of months...

They are sadly "Critically Endangered" which means that the numbers already have or within three generations will decrease by 80%. The next level up from critically endangered is extinct in the wild.

About the Mexican Walking Fish

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